Wednesday, December 28, 2005

After the editing ends...

Today’s been one of those days when I feel I need to stop and seriously consider the fact that I’m trying to go back to school. A friend passed along some free lance editing work, which is super nice on the budget and nice to get back into it, but the whole deadline thing is enough to make me run screaming into the nearest ocean.
Granted, I’m not known for being any good at things without deadlines, but still, I realized that I’m up for some serious shock when I do get back to academic life.

On the other hand, one application is done, so I’ve been enjoying the excuse that the second one doesn’t technically have a deadline to get some reading done. (Or if it does have a deadline, I might be screwed, as I’ve yet to find it.) But the reading—so I finally finished Byatt’s Possession, and it’s as I always suspected, there is so much missing from the movie. And I finally finally finally let myself sit down and read “The Rabbi’s Cat.” (Yes, I did buy it in english and am desperately waiting the day when I get to read it in french.) But it was so darling! And the images were so good. I can’t wait now till I can get “Persepolis,” as Satrapi was quoted on the back about how good The Rabbi’s Cat is, and as Céline always tells me how good it is. I definitely want to reread Camus’“La Peste” after reading The Rabbi’s Cat. My other reading’s just been some arch stuff that I’m actually enjoying more than I probably should considering I’m not even back in school yet. My brother has informed me that he’s sending me Brunelleschi’s Dome for the holiday, and I’m super excited.

In the midst of intense editing today, I also heard from Kim. It was quite the highlight of my day. The French holiday card was so much fun- makes me reflect on things like last year and how ridiculously elaborate Christmas cards in the States get. The surprise was a two disc set of Lynda Lemay! Totally above and beyond necessary, but so completely loved. I’m listening to “du cog à l’âme” for the second time this afternoon. To top it off, Violet emailed with a photo from the trip to Barcelona too. What a day for nostalgia. I had to change my desktop background as a result.

So really nothing interesting to type about, but it’s nice to be typing something I don’t have to edit (much) or paraphrase, etc. And if you decide to edit this blog, have fun. It probably needs it.

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