Friday, March 09, 2007

plagiarizing my own material


mid-term week sucks! haven't these people ever heard of one-course-at-a-time where we just have mid-term day and final day? what's with the never-ending week PREPPING for mid-term, so I can spend another WEEK presenting mid-terms -- a paper, a REVIEW in front of strangers for studio AND an exploded axonometric that conveys a FEELING?!?! insanity, and i think i might plagiarize myself and just copy/paste (or CTRL C/CTRL V in editors' world) this into my blog... blurg mid-terms (PLURAL 'S'?!?!?!)

that's all thank you

(lifted directly from my comments on 'The Book I Keep Promising to Write')

1 comment:

pheebee said...

Does it qualify as plagiarism if you wrote it?