Monday, May 30, 2005

Weekend highlights, and not in my hair...

So, you're just going to have to forgive the title, as it's late.

So last week, I missed the note about how everyone coming back for graduation etc was back during the days leading up to Saturday, so I only made it over to the area on Saturday about noon and then spend happy quality time with the family. So sorry to everyone I missed seeing, in case it was that important to you to see me then.

However, missing said note did allow me to complete a few interviews- necessary for those student loan payments- and even a surprise one for the summer job that I'd really wanted on Friday!

Finally participated in a female tradition in my family (started by my aunts!), the tradition where I go through all my crap from my entire life and sift through it (aka discard about 75% of it) and pass it along to my young female cousins so that they in turn might do the same to even younger cousins or potentially my female children. Wow, who knew my aunt's daughters might inherit some of her childhood things in the long run!

I also managed to get reacquainted with the insect population of Iowa; mosquitoes still like me...

I was also reminded of the joys of Phedre this weekend. Oh how I miss Intro to Lit 311!

Managed to consume more fried foods this weekend than in (probably) all my time in France this past year.

Ditto on soda.

Got mildly caught up on the EU Constitution referendum in France and the "No" result. (Check the BBC for some overview.)

And happily also managed to surprise Angela with a visit to her summer pad so we could at least scratch the surface of all the stories we need to catch up on!

And finally, got the summer job I wanted (surprise interview one!)! Plans are potentially falling into their necessary places!

I miss France, but it's awfully good to be home.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kate, I'm glad you're back and not having total culture shock! (why is everyone so friendly?!) ha ha. How could you miss Phedre? Barf. Well, good luck with your job. Maybe we'll IM soon.
<3 Amelia

Anonymous said...

Just checked in on your blog, and was incredibly excited to see that I was personally were and still are a highlight of mine dearest Kate...