Thursday, September 29, 2005

Down For Maintenance

Down for Maintenance
Blogger is temporarily unavailable due to planned maintenance.
This downtime will last 1 hour from 4:30pm - 5:30pm (PST).

I love blogger, don't get me wrong. And I understand that the world of computers is, at best, a fickle one. However, excuse me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that 11:09pm CST is well after 5:30pm PST.


At least their link is entitled "sorry".

Summed up so perfectly.

"Gotta take it all, the good and the pain in the butt. ... I've managed to get a cell phone already - truly making me a French citizen - and insurance and the beginnings of a bank account (it's a process). Doing all of this in French makes it actually a sick kind of fun."

- from a friend, newly arrived in France as an assistant for this upcoming year.

It completely sums up the experience.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Déjà vu.

The same songs, the same light- not the same kitchen.

Damn I miss France at this moment.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I'm legitimate!

Yeah! My Delphi mom and Newt dad are married! I am no longer an illegitimate child, of a classic Newt-Delphi relationship!

They had a truly delightful wedding and mom was a most beautiful bride! And can I just say, how fabulous the reception was!

Unfortunately, the batteries and the camera did not cooperate this weekend, so I have no photos.

In addition, I stayed Friday night at Sarah's in IC and had a great time! I was only sad that I couldn't be around for her birthday.

It was truly my best weekend in months!

Congrats mom and dad!

(Oh, and don't fear, I know this weekend wasn't really about me!-- Notice, I did try to end every sentence with an exclamation point; to bad it didn't work!)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

word nerds.

Dictionaries are the equivalent of gold to language nerds.

Case in point: a "Le Petit Robert" being the top prize of a French immersion program's Casino Night.

Second: The most thoughtful gift in a relationship that can never be.

Original Alice work in 3D online

BBC NEWS | Technology | Original Alice work in 3D online

The wonders of technology!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I have decided to be cheesy and announce that I am excited for the new Wallace and Gromit movie!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Random Act of Insomnia.

Woe to me.

I was once taught that it is incorrect to begin each sentence with "I", for it is too much irrelavant repetition. And rather, it is bad form, in that it is rudely self-centered. Yet I am nothing but self-centered.

Woe am I.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Clash of Hotmail and Blogger.

Sorry for the inconvinence to anyone who decides to comment on my blog- because comments give me warm fuzzies- but you now get to do the annoying little bit to prove that you are truly sentient and not merely an automated program leaving behind little turds of comments spam.


Dude! Get a life!

I hate spam in my comments. And honestly, whoever even has the time to be doing this needs to at least be a better writer than myself! And if you do have time, dude, I hope you're not in the chat rooms, because you obviously have too much time on your hands and are a total loser to boot.

My favorite line was something to the tune of, your blog has a unique writing style to it and you probably have many visitors. WTF!

Finally, should you ever find that the comments option is missing, it's because I had spam- again!

And PS. Just because I don't get a lot of comments, does not mean that I am excited to get your stupid spam comments.

France bares all for sake of art

BBC NEWS | Europe | France bares all for sake of art

Courtesy BBC News.

Food, food and more food.

It's what I love most about life in small towns, and probably what makes it so hard to go away. When loads of people come together for some good reason and work together to make everything happen and to be fun.

My father's community service group is getting together with two of the other service groups in town this week to have a pork chop sandwich dinner in the park to raise funds. (Pork chop sandwiches only work in Iowa, I swear.) And the church got together for it's annual fundraiser- which supports in part the church school, education programs, outreach programs, assistance for members in nursing homes or shut-ins, the re-run shops efforts and more things I'm not even sure of- and it was so amazing to watch.

Some people, like my mom, have been doing the same job for years, but they still love to do it. Yet they willingly let new people join in, help out or even took over as needed. The people who coordinate the fundraiser seem to change every couple of years, but each year there are always new ideas to help make it fun. It's a truly whole-church event; from the young kids of parents helping out all the way to the older members of the church. The supplies are all donated, food that is left over and doesn't go home with someone at the end of the day stays at the school to help out in the food budget, and volunteers clean up the area at the end of the day.

I think the part, if I had to choose, that I like best is at the end, when everyone is tired and trying to clean things up so they can get out of there, but everyone is still so polite and happy. And it's so easy to convince someone to take home the leftover mini cannolis (me), or the leftover homemade chicken and noodles (Perry, Meg, and Jenna's mom), or the remaining kolaches of mostly gooseberry and cottage cheese/raisin filling (too many people to name). You just remind them they don't want to cook tomorrow after all their work today. I love knowing that this benefits the church and in turn the community, and knowing that people got a good deal at the end of the day. Where else can you go to get about two carry-out trays of food for six dollars?

So if you're free the next second weekend of September, stop by, you get at least two scoops of chicken and noodles or cavatini per punch.

Friday, September 09, 2005

whinings and a musing...

Recently, I've been over using the word "recently". It's horrid and sad, but I have. I have long contemplated my need for a thesaurus (and today, my need for a dictionary). But now I wish I could just implant one into my brain. I've been trying to write short, descriptive and intelligent letters (recently). And my little brain is going insane. So insane, in fact, I'm still slightly giddy from the cheese I feel I'm inserting into these letters. (Strike the "I feel", it's not confident to say "I feel".) Ok, enough!

On another note, when do I get to go back to France? I have friends who are going back, friends who are plotting to go back and friends who are plotting to go to continents nearer than this one. (Surprisingly enough, I do have friends-- I always hated that joke.) I have friends who just emailed a photo from my time in France, and I'm feeling desperate to escape my letters and return. Hmm, thanks for reading my whinings. Hopefully my lack of a thesaurus and dictionary didn't turn you off.

Ps. (haha) I hope my title was as amusing to you as it is to my hopefully temporary short-circuited brain.