Monday, February 26, 2007

psa to the world in general

the boy-crazy phase has passed. it's time to buckle down and concentrate on work and classes.

thank you for your attention.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

side note, I just realised that now I'm even more busy, I actually bother to blog -- like I should be taking the time to blog right now -- but it's also that I actually have something I feel like I can share even if no one comments and probably no one visits my blog! though that amuses me too... it's like that pardox of a tree falling in the forest...
woo-hoo! classes WERE canceled for tonight! it's the first time in years apparently too! This is like my first year in undergrad when classes were canceled for the first time in 23 years then! Now even though I stayed up utnil 6 this morning and i'm still not done with all my homework, I can get it done in time for the make-up class and I can get homework for tomorrow night done too! I'm so excited! (Yes, I know it means I'm a geek that I am excited about having my homework done in time for class. :D ) hooray blizzard and ice storms!

iteration no. 1 for final studio model (this is the one the studio profs told me late on Sunday night by email 'wasn't quite there' -- i had told them in the email it wasn't quite done and i wanted some constructive feedback -- I'm doing my best to be nice to them, I promise!)

midway through iteration no.2 for final studio model -- coincidentally, this was approximately at 3 this morning...

final iteration (no.3, incorporating above figures) -- this should be it
though there's a possibility I'll add lines similar to the original final model, but I still have all three drawings to do before class (tonight) so I think this model is now done
maybe i'll cut out lines to take with to explore possibilities while at studio

Lesson learned from this activity... either 1) don't ask the studio profs for feedback as it might be either unconstructive, vague or tell me to simply do everything over when I have sixteen hours of work, a three hour class and nearly seven hours of combined commuting before I even make it to class -- I'm not sure where feedback given at 9pm on Sunday night is all that timely and useful
2) overnighters are not fun (this is a review of a previously learned lesson)

3) well i forget but i did want to mention how badly i'd love to have classes canceled because of the snow though i know it's not going to happen, even if every other school in the region cancels evening classes, we won't! and of course it'd snow heavily and wetily on studio quarter-review day
I almost didn't share this but then I realised how much I just don't care -- I knew it was a really bad first model when I built it and I've already decided to rebuilt the entire thing this weekend -- but I'm going to try museum/-type board instead.

Monday, February 12, 2007

ode to fb 2:

to you who remained calm inspite of my panic attack (while I had a knife in my hand!), kudos. thanks for trying to calm me down, to make me laugh, and reminding me that life is like being at CC -- it really doesn't matter if you get the homework done


note to self: scrolling through the contacts list on your phone will not help you set the alarm clock feature.

architecture school note no. 2
note to self: elmer's or sobo glue do NOT burn small craters into your fingers as does hot glue

architecture school note no.1
why do i always fall for the guy who thinks of me as his little sister...

feedback not needed for this one

Sunday, February 11, 2007


the latest from the studio homework factory
not really what i'd hoped but it came out alright nonetheless
the thing that's hard to see is that some of the dark areas are actually a grey that's rather easily distinguishable from the black -- sigh digital cameras

feedback, as always, appreciated

Ogunquit ME in october

as you can see it's picture upload time -- because I haven't in ages

Amadou et Mariam

from the french library's bastille day street party!
I just realised I don't think I ever got photos up from that -- it was such an amazing experience! I was so excited that my first french library bastille day street party was with Amadou et Mariam headlining! The concert was incredible, despite the horrible humidity and heat of the day and night!

chelsea market milonga

playing around with the camera settings

this was the worst thing to take a picture of! But if you look closely at my finger -- the middle one -- you'll see the approximately 2mm diameter cave the hot glue dug out of my finger tonight while model building for studio -- unnecessarily, I iterate OUCH! This too is what happens when you're in architecture school -- you get holes in your fingers.

ps, some of the glue is still in my finger next to the lovely bitty blood blister.
pss, my camera does not like to give me manual depth of field control.

disclaimer, all typos for the next week or so are directly resultant of this accident!

now over a week late, happy groundhog's day! This came off one of those groundhog day sites

btw, the new camper shoes -- I finally succumbed to my from-afar obsession and purchased.
I'll try to get the second pair (yes! second pair but i bought them during sale!!) up soon...

Sunday, February 04, 2007

this was the first project (stage 1)

helpful thoughts will be appreciated
this is what we do at architect school :)