Wednesday, April 09, 2008

homeworking in obscurity

it's quiet in my section of the ether tonight. my computer is connected to millions of points on the planet at the moment yet i see none in my corner -- it could be an overwhelming experience :)

something has changed lately. if i can figure out what has changed -- how all the little things that have changed have cumulated into the combined force that was strong enough to affect this change, i might stand a chance of making it through this long-term design process. whatever it was, however it happened, it's good -- i hope it lasts.

final thought: is architecture school suppose to feel like you're descending into schizophrenia... though maybe i could describe it better as walking on the edge of a razorblade... or, running up a scree slope....

1 comment:

Katherine. said...

so glad i'm only partially breaking the blogging rules -- i think i'm only suppose to comment on other commenters, not just my own posting! ha!

so -- isn't 12.53am suppose to feel late? ahh i love second half of semesters with studios!