Saturday, March 05, 2005

Random flurries of thoughts on Saturday morning...

Per usual, I should be doing something else, namely educating myself on lovely grad school programs. But instead I felt a great need to share my inner and random dialogue this morning.

It's snowing in Metz this morning. It started up again last night and I hear we're to have snow all weekend again.

I love my short hair. I'm so happy it's short again. And since it's been three weeks since I've cut it, it's at that perfect 3/4 inch length after the cut that is always better than the day after the cut.

These cobblestone streets, that I love and have finally built up the calluses for walking on them, are completely ruining all my shoes!

How am I suppose to get out to the outlet mall near Metz if there are no buses there?

How am I suppose to get all of my stuff home in May?

Thanks for joining my inner dialogue. Hope your's is just as stimulating! Happy Saturday!

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