hmmm, so the roommate Amelia (also delphi goddaughter) and I were discussing whether we wanted to bet on how long we could go without turning on the heat ...
then we realised that Bobby would kill us if we didn't let him turn on the heat at some point soon, though he was asleep when we discussed this and I'm beginning to think he might be interested in participating.
we didn't come up with any turns because we were laughing so hard about this possible bet.
though i'd probably lose -- or be disqualified for cheating once my heating mattress pad arrives and I start using it! :)
but stay tuned, you never know if this bet will take place or not
also, does anyone have any good ideas on 'creative' supplies for building architectural models? I've always failed at this -- i usually don't build models until the weekend and then don't really have time to devote to 'experimenting' and recreating something if the experiment fails, but I've decided that I have to do or die trying this time -- the constancy of chipboard and the saving-the-environment excuse is apparently wearing thin on the instructors...
i'm thinking of hitting up Pearl, A&C and Home Depot this weekend! .. can we say Zipcar?!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
oh lor' it's been awhile...
so much to share, so little time to even sleep, let alone blog in my life right now. but the long and the short of it : back in classes, still at the same company (non-arch), new apartment and new roommates, no boy in my life and the summer was every ounce of down time that i needed.
One of my uncles' and his wife and their youngest son were in town for the evening. I had to leave the Florence Knoll lecture early to go meet them for what turned into dinner at the Hyatt Regency on Memorial Drive. I haven't seen this uncle and family since 1996 I think -- so ten or eleven years now, wow just realised how long it's been. Their oldest son is in NYC now -- he's my age -- and rather busy working in investment banking. Though I'm hopeful that when I go to visit Kim, he might have time for a coffee. Their youngest is about to start as an accountant in Orange County. So much has changed since I last saw them. They're not always able to at the family reunions so it was insane to see the youngest as a 21 year old now! But we had a lovely dinner and I'm glad I saw them. A couple of schoolmates were at the lecture too so I'll be get their notes to see what I missed.
The lecture was about Florence Knoll and her influence on design and interior design in the post-war era. Super interesting -- made even more so because the school provided wine and hors d'oeuvres and cookies! All before I had dinner! I love when schools give you alcohol to drink.
ok, it's late and time to eat fake baby sausages with the roommate! g'night!
so much to share, so little time to even sleep, let alone blog in my life right now. but the long and the short of it : back in classes, still at the same company (non-arch), new apartment and new roommates, no boy in my life and the summer was every ounce of down time that i needed.
One of my uncles' and his wife and their youngest son were in town for the evening. I had to leave the Florence Knoll lecture early to go meet them for what turned into dinner at the Hyatt Regency on Memorial Drive. I haven't seen this uncle and family since 1996 I think -- so ten or eleven years now, wow just realised how long it's been. Their oldest son is in NYC now -- he's my age -- and rather busy working in investment banking. Though I'm hopeful that when I go to visit Kim, he might have time for a coffee. Their youngest is about to start as an accountant in Orange County. So much has changed since I last saw them. They're not always able to at the family reunions so it was insane to see the youngest as a 21 year old now! But we had a lovely dinner and I'm glad I saw them. A couple of schoolmates were at the lecture too so I'll be get their notes to see what I missed.
The lecture was about Florence Knoll and her influence on design and interior design in the post-war era. Super interesting -- made even more so because the school provided wine and hors d'oeuvres and cookies! All before I had dinner! I love when schools give you alcohol to drink.
ok, it's late and time to eat fake baby sausages with the roommate! g'night!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
there is so much i should bring up to date however it's late so i'll only make a list (since i've been chastised for no pictures from France being up yet and also been chastised for faking being dead) and write about how fun tonight was
so the list:
1) france
2) london
3) the boys
4) Tampa
5) work
6) school
7) the apt hunt
Tonight was fun! Bobby and I got free tickets to the screening of Ratatouille through the French Library. On the way to the Landmark Center for dinner and the film, the boy phoned me ( :) ) and then he asked what I was doing! -- except Bobby and I already had plans, which I told him. Then I invited him along (he's got to go out of town yet again this weekend) but he said he couldn't be ready in time to join us and that he would go to a film at the AMC instead and to call him when we got out of our film. So Bobby and I went to dinner and literally as we were finishing up someone came up to our table and just sat down -- it was him! So he came to Ratatouille with us and out for a drink afterwards. B approves of him (which i never doubted b/c he is always so supportive) and we have such similar taste in men.
so essentially I went out on a ?double?, or maybe, dual-, is the better word, date with both my boys tonight :D it was truly fun and a bit paradoxical.
here's a bunch of photos to tide the three people who read this over until i have the rest of them up on the blog

the london eye, parliment/big ben

windsor castle, inside windsor

st.paul and millenium bridge, my beautiful grown-up host brother striking his voltaire pose

capitole, marche du capitole (mercredi bien sur)

pont neuf, from ile de la cite

versailles (bien sur), les tortues et grenouille de versailles

notre dame, le tour eiffel
so the list:
1) france
2) london
3) the boys
4) Tampa
5) work
6) school
7) the apt hunt
Tonight was fun! Bobby and I got free tickets to the screening of Ratatouille through the French Library. On the way to the Landmark Center for dinner and the film, the boy phoned me ( :) ) and then he asked what I was doing! -- except Bobby and I already had plans, which I told him. Then I invited him along (he's got to go out of town yet again this weekend) but he said he couldn't be ready in time to join us and that he would go to a film at the AMC instead and to call him when we got out of our film. So Bobby and I went to dinner and literally as we were finishing up someone came up to our table and just sat down -- it was him! So he came to Ratatouille with us and out for a drink afterwards. B approves of him (which i never doubted b/c he is always so supportive) and we have such similar taste in men.
so essentially I went out on a ?double?, or maybe, dual-, is the better word, date with both my boys tonight :D it was truly fun and a bit paradoxical.
here's a bunch of photos to tide the three people who read this over until i have the rest of them up on the blog
the london eye, parliment/big ben
windsor castle, inside windsor
st.paul and millenium bridge, my beautiful grown-up host brother striking his voltaire pose
capitole, marche du capitole (mercredi bien sur)
pont neuf, from ile de la cite
versailles (bien sur), les tortues et grenouille de versailles
notre dame, le tour eiffel
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
hmm where to start...
it's been an insane, two?, weeks. so in other words, be prepared, I'm not sure where this post is going... it might turn into an undispherable ranting run-down of these last two weeks. but i'm listening to de palmas so hopefully i won't get too nutso...
we're prepping for finals this week in classes. i turned in the final part of my 20 page paper for design principles -- it was crap. i doubt michael will fail me but i really need to get better at those good intentions of starting my papers sooner than the night before they're due. sigh. the presentation as were most people's was very laid-back and minimal. I'm actually going to miss that class -- we were a really good, light mix of people.
i'm in the middle of designing my presentation layout for final review in studio -- it's immense and laying all over the office floor at the moment -- but i have good roommates who understand and are letting me take up the entire office for these few days. i realised that i still have another piece to produce and i really want to update my site model a bit -- though time wise i'm nervous about fitting that in. i also have a crapload of printing to do tomorrow night after my autoCAD final -- i'd have done it tonight but something about the fire alarm going off at 6.30 right as i was finishing up my CAD homework -- and 30 minutes before the building was closing anyways... argh. Sen was my goddess and let me come over and finish up on her educational edition (which is the same thing except it prints out huge labels on the edges of your papers that 'this document was created with an educational version of autoCAD'. not that that's an issue for this class!
oh and i have to photograph everything that hasn't already been photographed and drop it onto a disk before wednesday! doesn't that sound like tons of fun! :P
and i have a ton of perspective drawing to finish up -- but i think i can get everything done and still sleep and maybe not even call in sick to work, though i might wednesday ;)
i just have to make it to Thursday night! and then it's done -- Kris is having a party at her place then so we can all celebrate and i'm so excited -- and then on friday, I leave for eight days in France! I'm going home!!! uber excited! Angela's coming along for the fun too -- as we've been friends for the last nine years and haven't yet spent more than a week straight in each other's company, we decided it was time to change that :D here's hoping our strong friendship is as strong as we think it is! lol -- not that we're actually concerned!
in other news, the architect is uber stressed out between work and classes. i haven't gotten to really see him in the last two weeks. he's struggling with the concept of balancing work, school and a relationship -- worries that the person (me) he's in a relationship with should be the most important thing in his life (??? I know, i was confused as to why he thinks that too -- we're NOT married after all) -- and is stressed enough that he actually verbalised the thought of finding a different program.
-- side note: everyone is thinking that -- at least three friends are leaving. Joe actually applied and was excepted to GSD (whatever!) but isn't going b/c he wouldn't be able to work while taking classes there. i've had the conversation with myself of if i'm being idiotic by not actively considering leaving -- then i remember that i like small institutions that the majority of people don't know or think is a bad school ... i know this is a stupid reason for choosing and staying at a school but it's that underdog scenario i guess....
-- end side note
so anyways, the architect is stressed, has been distant -- at an annoyingly bad time as I'm finally getting comfortable with letting people know we're together, though i can't do that now that he's not cooperating -- and it doesn't help i think, that i'm the one calling and saying hey, i can come over and hang out if you want while he can only tell me he's too stressed and busy.
the thing is -- he is stressed, busy, anxious and not just wasting time etc -- so it's not like i can fault him or be upset that he can't find time for me even though i'm in the same position and can find it. (i know he doesn't consider my job as demanding as his and in some regards it's not but in other ways it is -- so i know it balances out, but he's a guy and he's older and has some weird age syndrome so he definitely doesn't think my jobs as demanding, whatever :) )
the long and short of it -- two weeks since i've really seen him, i'm out of the country (hooray!) next week, we both work the week after and he's going home over Memorial Day weekend. So it's going to be a month before I see him again really. in other words, i'm not sure where we're going to be in a month :( -- i don't get the feeling that this relationship is over yet (it's going to end at some point -- this i know -- we are not meant to be lifers) but i just didn't sense that this was going to be such a short relationship -- though i don't know if it's going to end in a month just that well, i don't know what's going on and i'm nervous though i'm also coming to accept that whatever happens is what will happen and i'll have to go on from there. Senofer would be so happy if this thing ended I know -- she tries to be nice to him though. and i'm hopeful that he and i will ride out part of the summer :)
-- man this whole relationship thing can really suck -- no wonder i've stayed away from it for so long -- it doesn't help that my stress and hormone levels have risen exponentially in comparison to the decline of my sleeping hours :P
well it's late and i'm sleepy and my mind's drifting and my fingers are typing lots of wrong keys and spellings so ... time to end -- nothing funny or amazing to share but comments are welcomed, comme toujours! a la prochaine!
it's been an insane, two?, weeks. so in other words, be prepared, I'm not sure where this post is going... it might turn into an undispherable ranting run-down of these last two weeks. but i'm listening to de palmas so hopefully i won't get too nutso...
we're prepping for finals this week in classes. i turned in the final part of my 20 page paper for design principles -- it was crap. i doubt michael will fail me but i really need to get better at those good intentions of starting my papers sooner than the night before they're due. sigh. the presentation as were most people's was very laid-back and minimal. I'm actually going to miss that class -- we were a really good, light mix of people.
i'm in the middle of designing my presentation layout for final review in studio -- it's immense and laying all over the office floor at the moment -- but i have good roommates who understand and are letting me take up the entire office for these few days. i realised that i still have another piece to produce and i really want to update my site model a bit -- though time wise i'm nervous about fitting that in. i also have a crapload of printing to do tomorrow night after my autoCAD final -- i'd have done it tonight but something about the fire alarm going off at 6.30 right as i was finishing up my CAD homework -- and 30 minutes before the building was closing anyways... argh. Sen was my goddess and let me come over and finish up on her educational edition (which is the same thing except it prints out huge labels on the edges of your papers that 'this document was created with an educational version of autoCAD'. not that that's an issue for this class!
oh and i have to photograph everything that hasn't already been photographed and drop it onto a disk before wednesday! doesn't that sound like tons of fun! :P
and i have a ton of perspective drawing to finish up -- but i think i can get everything done and still sleep and maybe not even call in sick to work, though i might wednesday ;)
i just have to make it to Thursday night! and then it's done -- Kris is having a party at her place then so we can all celebrate and i'm so excited -- and then on friday, I leave for eight days in France! I'm going home!!! uber excited! Angela's coming along for the fun too -- as we've been friends for the last nine years and haven't yet spent more than a week straight in each other's company, we decided it was time to change that :D here's hoping our strong friendship is as strong as we think it is! lol -- not that we're actually concerned!
in other news, the architect is uber stressed out between work and classes. i haven't gotten to really see him in the last two weeks. he's struggling with the concept of balancing work, school and a relationship -- worries that the person (me) he's in a relationship with should be the most important thing in his life (??? I know, i was confused as to why he thinks that too -- we're NOT married after all) -- and is stressed enough that he actually verbalised the thought of finding a different program.
-- side note: everyone is thinking that -- at least three friends are leaving. Joe actually applied and was excepted to GSD (whatever!) but isn't going b/c he wouldn't be able to work while taking classes there. i've had the conversation with myself of if i'm being idiotic by not actively considering leaving -- then i remember that i like small institutions that the majority of people don't know or think is a bad school ... i know this is a stupid reason for choosing and staying at a school but it's that underdog scenario i guess....
-- end side note
so anyways, the architect is stressed, has been distant -- at an annoyingly bad time as I'm finally getting comfortable with letting people know we're together, though i can't do that now that he's not cooperating -- and it doesn't help i think, that i'm the one calling and saying hey, i can come over and hang out if you want while he can only tell me he's too stressed and busy.
the thing is -- he is stressed, busy, anxious and not just wasting time etc -- so it's not like i can fault him or be upset that he can't find time for me even though i'm in the same position and can find it. (i know he doesn't consider my job as demanding as his and in some regards it's not but in other ways it is -- so i know it balances out, but he's a guy and he's older and has some weird age syndrome so he definitely doesn't think my jobs as demanding, whatever :) )
the long and short of it -- two weeks since i've really seen him, i'm out of the country (hooray!) next week, we both work the week after and he's going home over Memorial Day weekend. So it's going to be a month before I see him again really. in other words, i'm not sure where we're going to be in a month :( -- i don't get the feeling that this relationship is over yet (it's going to end at some point -- this i know -- we are not meant to be lifers) but i just didn't sense that this was going to be such a short relationship -- though i don't know if it's going to end in a month just that well, i don't know what's going on and i'm nervous though i'm also coming to accept that whatever happens is what will happen and i'll have to go on from there. Senofer would be so happy if this thing ended I know -- she tries to be nice to him though. and i'm hopeful that he and i will ride out part of the summer :)
-- man this whole relationship thing can really suck -- no wonder i've stayed away from it for so long -- it doesn't help that my stress and hormone levels have risen exponentially in comparison to the decline of my sleeping hours :P
well it's late and i'm sleepy and my mind's drifting and my fingers are typing lots of wrong keys and spellings so ... time to end -- nothing funny or amazing to share but comments are welcomed, comme toujours! a la prochaine!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
i'm interrupting my 'long haul' -- as i've recently dubbed my evenings of late, i'll try to remember to explain why later -- because i was thinking about the architect and i realised something ... or rather i came upon a question concerning him for which i have two answers and i'm not sure which one is right.
i've been trying to understand what about him makes him different for me -- why do i feel more comfortable with him than i have other guys in the past, especially when i can tell he's not a guy i'm going to marry ...
i suppose you could say that it's simply age and time -- i haven't dated in years, i'm extremely independent and i've had plenty of time to evaluate what i want out of a relationship
or it's that being independent, having been so and on only my own for the last several years, I know how i am and that i could walk away from this relationship intact
or it's that he's older (??) -- this brings us back to that question of age vs. maturity though (read the previous posts) -- and is more willing to let me be me even though there are things about me that he isn't as fond of (vice versa for me!
those were the main points of thought and most of the rest revolved around those... and for that i interrupt my long haul of homework, cleaning and laundry -- why do i try to cramp so much into one evening when i'm getting into the busy part of my semester! why do i think these things are good things that MUST be done now! ... aieaie aie.... i laugh at own insanity, feel free to join in
back to the grind...
i've been trying to understand what about him makes him different for me -- why do i feel more comfortable with him than i have other guys in the past, especially when i can tell he's not a guy i'm going to marry ...
i suppose you could say that it's simply age and time -- i haven't dated in years, i'm extremely independent and i've had plenty of time to evaluate what i want out of a relationship
or it's that being independent, having been so and on only my own for the last several years, I know how i am and that i could walk away from this relationship intact
or it's that he's older (??) -- this brings us back to that question of age vs. maturity though (read the previous posts) -- and is more willing to let me be me even though there are things about me that he isn't as fond of (vice versa for me!
those were the main points of thought and most of the rest revolved around those... and for that i interrupt my long haul of homework, cleaning and laundry -- why do i try to cramp so much into one evening when i'm getting into the busy part of my semester! why do i think these things are good things that MUST be done now! ... aieaie aie.... i laugh at own insanity, feel free to join in
back to the grind...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
the girls -- aka TL and Kim from France -- have arrived! Kooby and I went out to Logan tonight to pick them up! It was soooo exciting! The girls are staying at my place the first week and with Kristen for the second week... so we took the long T ride home to my place and hauled the luggage up the seven flights of public stairs before hauling them up the next two to my floor! It was an extremely interesting 'intro' i suppose to Boston for them.
They have arrived just in time, also, for a true NE (New England, not Nebraska) style Nor'easter -- which is expected to be full-on ranging on Monday -- MARATHON MONDAY! I'm actually living near the marathon route this year -- so I'm going to go out and see part of it at least and cheer people on -- I doubt I'll be out to cheer on the leaders and I'm nearly definitely not going to go to Copley Square! I can't handle that much crowd! In fact, I'm hoping to go to Salem at some point on Monday to see the Yin Yu Tang house as it's supposedly going to be my basis for my comparison paper in Design Principles -- if I ever make it up there!
In other news, well there isn't much -- i'm so excited for my upcoming trip to France, especially now the girls are here and i'm really excited for my federal tax refund (I'm 99% sure I did them right) to pay for my trip to France!! yay educational tax credits! Revolution season is up and running though I had to turn down going to tonight's game b/c I wouldn't have made it to Logan in time to meet the girls! And finally, for tonight anyways, the boy is still on the island in a strong way -- (please don't worry, I'm not falling for this boy) but he's definitely in my life and it's kind of interesting. you may feel free to live vicariously through me ;)
oh so my day was a weird day -- woke at the boy's, spend the morning there, was going to go to Salem today but umm, cough cough, missed my train -- had had a call from Joe (classmate) earlier in the day inquiring what i was doing -- so I stayed at the boy's a bit longer and then left to go home and work and instead phoned Joe while out doing errands and met him for food and then ice cream (coffee in his caffiene-addicted case) before running home long enough to change bags and heading to Logan. The reason I spent time with Joe is b/c I know he has about three friends in Boston still and his long-time (like four years) girlfriend and he are splitting up and she's moving back to PA though not until the end of the month -- so he's spending a ton of time away from the apartment and he was bored today... it's really an insane situation and scares the crap out of me that a relationship can go so bad ... I'm so sad for him.... and yet professionally his life is going in such a good direction.
ok so that's enough randomness about other people and vague randomness about my day :) Friday was awesome b/c I got this kick-ass Pink Panther fold-n-mail letter from Iowa!! (wish me luck all with the next two weeks as I go beyond calm while attempting to balance friends, work, classes and homework!)
They have arrived just in time, also, for a true NE (New England, not Nebraska) style Nor'easter -- which is expected to be full-on ranging on Monday -- MARATHON MONDAY! I'm actually living near the marathon route this year -- so I'm going to go out and see part of it at least and cheer people on -- I doubt I'll be out to cheer on the leaders and I'm nearly definitely not going to go to Copley Square! I can't handle that much crowd! In fact, I'm hoping to go to Salem at some point on Monday to see the Yin Yu Tang house as it's supposedly going to be my basis for my comparison paper in Design Principles -- if I ever make it up there!
In other news, well there isn't much -- i'm so excited for my upcoming trip to France, especially now the girls are here and i'm really excited for my federal tax refund (I'm 99% sure I did them right) to pay for my trip to France!! yay educational tax credits! Revolution season is up and running though I had to turn down going to tonight's game b/c I wouldn't have made it to Logan in time to meet the girls! And finally, for tonight anyways, the boy is still on the island in a strong way -- (please don't worry, I'm not falling for this boy) but he's definitely in my life and it's kind of interesting. you may feel free to live vicariously through me ;)
oh so my day was a weird day -- woke at the boy's, spend the morning there, was going to go to Salem today but umm, cough cough, missed my train -- had had a call from Joe (classmate) earlier in the day inquiring what i was doing -- so I stayed at the boy's a bit longer and then left to go home and work and instead phoned Joe while out doing errands and met him for food and then ice cream (coffee in his caffiene-addicted case) before running home long enough to change bags and heading to Logan. The reason I spent time with Joe is b/c I know he has about three friends in Boston still and his long-time (like four years) girlfriend and he are splitting up and she's moving back to PA though not until the end of the month -- so he's spending a ton of time away from the apartment and he was bored today... it's really an insane situation and scares the crap out of me that a relationship can go so bad ... I'm so sad for him.... and yet professionally his life is going in such a good direction.
ok so that's enough randomness about other people and vague randomness about my day :) Friday was awesome b/c I got this kick-ass Pink Panther fold-n-mail letter from Iowa!! (wish me luck all with the next two weeks as I go beyond calm while attempting to balance friends, work, classes and homework!)
Friday, April 06, 2007
hmmm long time no blog.... yeah
so last week was the first week back after break and to paraphrase my thoughts and a fellow BACer -- i almost wish we hadn't had a break, i needed it but it really broke my momentum
just a quick update, as i have -- as ever -- homework (suprisingly (HA -- not!) studio)
the boy is back on the island. yes, pheebee officially chastised me and threatened to throw me off her island. however, this is for fun and so pheebee can live vicariously ;)
studio is driving me insane -- correction, the instructors infuriate me on a regular basis anymore and i'm in serious need of some solution that allows me to come to terms with the fact that they are in charge of my grade for this course -- but i'm doing my best to keep some perspective on the whole situation (though that does mean I did get a wild hair of an idea involving transferring to 'another' school... maybe more later...)
i also added autoCAD 2d to my courses -- paid some more tuition and (insanely?) upped my number of courses hours from 11 to 12 a week, and my homework by another three. i now take autoCAD (4-7pm) and design principles (7.15-10.15) on Mondays, studio (7.15-10.15) on Wednesdays and perspective drawing (7.15-10.15) on Thursdays; have got somewhere around 15-20 hours studio homework, 3-4 hours perspective homework, 3 hours principles homework, and nearly 3 hours of autoCAD (i do the additional exercises when i can squeeze them in) in a week -- there that's my busier-than-thou speech for the semester oh and somewhere in there i fit in 40 hours for a workweek... ... ...
angela and i are chatting out the details of our pending voyage en Europe in may -- i can't wait to be back!
nothing really exciting -- just the usual humdrum of a busy life of work, school, occasionally some sleep and now a boy
but this i know ... life is good
To finish, happy national poetry month
courtesy of Shea:
so last week was the first week back after break and to paraphrase my thoughts and a fellow BACer -- i almost wish we hadn't had a break, i needed it but it really broke my momentum
just a quick update, as i have -- as ever -- homework (suprisingly (HA -- not!) studio)
the boy is back on the island. yes, pheebee officially chastised me and threatened to throw me off her island. however, this is for fun and so pheebee can live vicariously ;)
studio is driving me insane -- correction, the instructors infuriate me on a regular basis anymore and i'm in serious need of some solution that allows me to come to terms with the fact that they are in charge of my grade for this course -- but i'm doing my best to keep some perspective on the whole situation (though that does mean I did get a wild hair of an idea involving transferring to 'another' school... maybe more later...)
i also added autoCAD 2d to my courses -- paid some more tuition and (insanely?) upped my number of courses hours from 11 to 12 a week, and my homework by another three. i now take autoCAD (4-7pm) and design principles (7.15-10.15) on Mondays, studio (7.15-10.15) on Wednesdays and perspective drawing (7.15-10.15) on Thursdays; have got somewhere around 15-20 hours studio homework, 3-4 hours perspective homework, 3 hours principles homework, and nearly 3 hours of autoCAD (i do the additional exercises when i can squeeze them in) in a week -- there that's my busier-than-thou speech for the semester oh and somewhere in there i fit in 40 hours for a workweek... ... ...
angela and i are chatting out the details of our pending voyage en Europe in may -- i can't wait to be back!
nothing really exciting -- just the usual humdrum of a busy life of work, school, occasionally some sleep and now a boy
but this i know ... life is good
To finish, happy national poetry month
courtesy of Shea:
The Heart as Origami
-- Jane Hirschfield
-- Jane Hirschfield
Each one has its shape.
For love, two sleeping ducks.
For selfless courage, the war-horse.
For fear of death, the daylily's one-day flower.
More and more creased each year, worn paper thin,
and still it longs for them all.
Not one of the lives of this world the heart does not choose.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
update: I love spring break. It's almost over but not before I have a great visit from a wonderful friend.
i have become a social butterfly this week -- dinner and fun out every night. Monday with Senofer and later Sen and Adrian. Tuesday with the frenchies. Wednesday celebrating Kristen's new job. Thursday (tonight) with Tessa having a girls' night -- aka, hair cuts, dinner and undie shopping :)
Tomorrow, the Bobster and I are having a girls' day -- nails, lunch, shopping, window shopping, coffee, dinner, ice cream and fun.
spring break is so nice. too bad it's about up. but it'll be to be back in classes. more fun than writing an email to tell the boy that i'm not going to get over what he said enough to be able to spend time with him as more than a friend... that's going to be... well not fun.
finally, interventions on behalf of my recently developped caffiene addiction will be appreciated -- this doesn't mean i'm going to cut out my two- to three- times weekly morning latte but it does mean i need to not sample all the yummy flavors of new coffee we have at work :)
i have become a social butterfly this week -- dinner and fun out every night. Monday with Senofer and later Sen and Adrian. Tuesday with the frenchies. Wednesday celebrating Kristen's new job. Thursday (tonight) with Tessa having a girls' night -- aka, hair cuts, dinner and undie shopping :)
Tomorrow, the Bobster and I are having a girls' day -- nails, lunch, shopping, window shopping, coffee, dinner, ice cream and fun.
spring break is so nice. too bad it's about up. but it'll be to be back in classes. more fun than writing an email to tell the boy that i'm not going to get over what he said enough to be able to spend time with him as more than a friend... that's going to be... well not fun.
finally, interventions on behalf of my recently developped caffiene addiction will be appreciated -- this doesn't mean i'm going to cut out my two- to three- times weekly morning latte but it does mean i need to not sample all the yummy flavors of new coffee we have at work :)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
OMG it's Spring Break! It's such a breath of fresh air or something -- I hadn't realised how much I'd become used to my monthly three and a half day block breaks! I've gone straight through the last eight weeks of 40-hours work + 11 hours class + a minimum of 26 hours of homework really without a break on top of ALL the boy drama. So this morning after an hour on the phone with a progressive drunker Tessa I crashed and slept and stayed in bed until 2:30 PM! PM, people! I didn't have to get up and do studio homework or feel negligent for not putting every ounce into my homework or sketchbook. it was amazing. Then I got up and ate cookies... and my belt is still too big for my waist (this is the black belt too, not the brown one that I had to give up using two months ago -- the one i got while in undergrad b/c the black belt became to , gasp, small.) mmm, cookies. for breakfast.
last night was insane though -- Kim couldn't get out of NYC b/c greyhound canceled busses from 6pm on, so she's coming next weekend now which might be better as I could feasible get my room cleaned up enough for her to have space to crash. school closed again (not surprising as there aren't classes on Friday night anyway!) but i didn't know so I T'ed-it in and went to North Face and then Patagonia b/c i was desperate for a hat that I just bought one at each place. Then I got to school and it was CLOSED so there was no SDC meeting and I didn't get to find out if ... Oppie (it's his name, I swear!) would be there and if I could figure out if he's someone I want to be a friend or not and so then I'm standing there (luckily in the airlock) trying to figure out where I can go until 10.30 when Kim is suppose to get in b/c I don't want to go all the way back out ot Brighton just to turn around and go back into South Station. I'm thinking, it's too bad Kris is already back in Conn. (she lives around the corner next to the Pru) when my phone rings... it's Kris, she had to meet a client in the morning and now can't drive to Conn and asks me to meet her at Solas for a drink! Kim later calls and informs me of Greyhound's sad announcement. So Kris and I have dinner and another drink. She called the boy to invite him down to join us -- I am restricted from phoning him -- but he didn't answer and hasn't called back as far as i know.
This leads me to the current analysis on the boy -- who has been kicked off the island -- it's final, he's seriously off. I realised in the middle of the snow-intense T ride that nothing is going to happen. I think Sunday night's declaration of 'I don't know what to do with my feelings for you' has left him thinking the ball's in my court -- if you can tell me how his telling me that means that the ball is in MY court, then someone please enlighten me -- and since he's out traveling and home this week, I don't think he's going to phone me. On top of that I think a week away is going to leave him forgetting about me or just it's going to be the time to step away and even if he doesn't make a decision (which I don't think anymore that he's capable of) he's going to think that he doesn't want to do anything about me ... and as Sen's pointed out, do I really want to be with a boy who can't decide if he wants to be with me? And my answer is no. If he does decide he wants to be with me, he's really going to have to give me a reason and more than the 'I like how I feel when I'm around you' reason he's given me before. but i don't think anything's going to happen -- he might think the ball is in my court, but it's in his honestly. and i don't expect a call next week. it's probably for the best and I can deal if he doesn't call -- i don't think i'll be that broken up -- i mean at least i know where he stands than and that's really all i need to know at this point.
my hair is finally long enough to put into cute little straight braids, but i think i'm going to get it cut this week anyways -- it's almost to the point of being long enough that it's going to very quickly get shaggy -- bleg. other fashion news: i've also hit this point where I WANT to wear skirts! so I guess i'm going skirt shopping sometime soon. who knew someday i'd like skirts again! though i have to admit that patagonia is my new favorite store of the month -- i had no idea that they were so sustainable oriented!
new favorite thing: pandora!
tonight was delightful -- scattorgories at sally and matt's with bobby too... nice, easy, relaxing. though i'm not sure if bobby still wants to live together -- sigh. i really can't afford to live with the amount of space i need on my own but i don't know who else to live with and i need something somewhat easy to get to school on.... i'll see... something will work out. oh and i walked in tonight (granted i haven't seen my girls in about a month now) and they both noticed that i have lost weight, so that was exciting!
sen and i are mock 'cutting studio' next wednesday! we'd never actually skip studio so we're celebrating our freedom and recent weight loss by going jeans shopping! hmmm shopping....
i so have to get my school work photo-documented this week too! i really need to get on top of that so my portfolio when i start actually getting it built isn't completely going to kill me!
ok movie/sleep time, as i have to clean and do taxes demain.... but i'll leave you with a few photos that haven't gotten posted yet...
last night was insane though -- Kim couldn't get out of NYC b/c greyhound canceled busses from 6pm on, so she's coming next weekend now which might be better as I could feasible get my room cleaned up enough for her to have space to crash. school closed again (not surprising as there aren't classes on Friday night anyway!) but i didn't know so I T'ed-it in and went to North Face and then Patagonia b/c i was desperate for a hat that I just bought one at each place. Then I got to school and it was CLOSED so there was no SDC meeting and I didn't get to find out if ... Oppie (it's his name, I swear!) would be there and if I could figure out if he's someone I want to be a friend or not and so then I'm standing there (luckily in the airlock) trying to figure out where I can go until 10.30 when Kim is suppose to get in b/c I don't want to go all the way back out ot Brighton just to turn around and go back into South Station. I'm thinking, it's too bad Kris is already back in Conn. (she lives around the corner next to the Pru) when my phone rings... it's Kris, she had to meet a client in the morning and now can't drive to Conn and asks me to meet her at Solas for a drink! Kim later calls and informs me of Greyhound's sad announcement. So Kris and I have dinner and another drink. She called the boy to invite him down to join us -- I am restricted from phoning him -- but he didn't answer and hasn't called back as far as i know.
This leads me to the current analysis on the boy -- who has been kicked off the island -- it's final, he's seriously off. I realised in the middle of the snow-intense T ride that nothing is going to happen. I think Sunday night's declaration of 'I don't know what to do with my feelings for you' has left him thinking the ball's in my court -- if you can tell me how his telling me that means that the ball is in MY court, then someone please enlighten me -- and since he's out traveling and home this week, I don't think he's going to phone me. On top of that I think a week away is going to leave him forgetting about me or just it's going to be the time to step away and even if he doesn't make a decision (which I don't think anymore that he's capable of) he's going to think that he doesn't want to do anything about me ... and as Sen's pointed out, do I really want to be with a boy who can't decide if he wants to be with me? And my answer is no. If he does decide he wants to be with me, he's really going to have to give me a reason and more than the 'I like how I feel when I'm around you' reason he's given me before. but i don't think anything's going to happen -- he might think the ball is in my court, but it's in his honestly. and i don't expect a call next week. it's probably for the best and I can deal if he doesn't call -- i don't think i'll be that broken up -- i mean at least i know where he stands than and that's really all i need to know at this point.
my hair is finally long enough to put into cute little straight braids, but i think i'm going to get it cut this week anyways -- it's almost to the point of being long enough that it's going to very quickly get shaggy -- bleg. other fashion news: i've also hit this point where I WANT to wear skirts! so I guess i'm going skirt shopping sometime soon. who knew someday i'd like skirts again! though i have to admit that patagonia is my new favorite store of the month -- i had no idea that they were so sustainable oriented!
new favorite thing: pandora!
tonight was delightful -- scattorgories at sally and matt's with bobby too... nice, easy, relaxing. though i'm not sure if bobby still wants to live together -- sigh. i really can't afford to live with the amount of space i need on my own but i don't know who else to live with and i need something somewhat easy to get to school on.... i'll see... something will work out. oh and i walked in tonight (granted i haven't seen my girls in about a month now) and they both noticed that i have lost weight, so that was exciting!
sen and i are mock 'cutting studio' next wednesday! we'd never actually skip studio so we're celebrating our freedom and recent weight loss by going jeans shopping! hmmm shopping....
i so have to get my school work photo-documented this week too! i really need to get on top of that so my portfolio when i start actually getting it built isn't completely going to kill me!
ok movie/sleep time, as i have to clean and do taxes demain.... but i'll leave you with a few photos that haven't gotten posted yet...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
everyone ... my three friends who do blog ... has been so quiet lately. it's that time of the year i guess when everyone gets bummed out with the greyness and up and down weather. i know how ready everyone is for spring, myself included, but i can't help but feel cheated that we didn't really get winter here in boston -- it was like the evil kind of teasing your best friend's big brother did to you when you were six years old and wouldn't let you have that stick of bubble gum he kept promising to give you.
tonight was my last class for design principles before the break -- everyone was a bit loopy b/c I think we'd all be up to the last minute finishing our ten page papers. but it was a fun class and we got out early; which meant i got to sit and catch up with my roommates for a few minutes. and i got to ask their opinions on the boy situation -- yes, this is STILL dragging on... but it's midterms so he's not allowed to bother me this week and next week is break which he's going to be gone during most of -- that's going to give me (and him) good time away to really think and see how things are -- I can't help but feel like he should have one last chance, it's only fair; but telling me you don't know what to do with your feelings for me is not the way to impress me. why is this boy still an issue! i was doing so well getting over him. now i guess i'm at a standstill again -- why did i like this boy in the first place? honey that's the question of the year.
time to build a model -- i am just realising how crappy it's going to be! I so did not plan this out as well as i should have. sigh... break is nearly here and so is the visit from an amazing friend. don't let the ides of march blues get to you too!
tonight was my last class for design principles before the break -- everyone was a bit loopy b/c I think we'd all be up to the last minute finishing our ten page papers. but it was a fun class and we got out early; which meant i got to sit and catch up with my roommates for a few minutes. and i got to ask their opinions on the boy situation -- yes, this is STILL dragging on... but it's midterms so he's not allowed to bother me this week and next week is break which he's going to be gone during most of -- that's going to give me (and him) good time away to really think and see how things are -- I can't help but feel like he should have one last chance, it's only fair; but telling me you don't know what to do with your feelings for me is not the way to impress me. why is this boy still an issue! i was doing so well getting over him. now i guess i'm at a standstill again -- why did i like this boy in the first place? honey that's the question of the year.
time to build a model -- i am just realising how crappy it's going to be! I so did not plan this out as well as i should have. sigh... break is nearly here and so is the visit from an amazing friend. don't let the ides of march blues get to you too!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
i just thanked Sen's fiance for telling me that there are enough nice eligible young men out there who want to get into my pants that i shouldn't waste time on the not-so-nice young men who don't know if they want to ...
that's how my entire day has been. apparently the boy didn't get the memo that he's been kicked off the island.
that's how my entire day has been. apparently the boy didn't get the memo that he's been kicked off the island.
Friday, March 09, 2007
plagiarizing my own material
mid-term week sucks! haven't these people ever heard of one-course-at-a-time where we just have mid-term day and final day? what's with the never-ending week PREPPING for mid-term, so I can spend another WEEK presenting mid-terms -- a paper, a REVIEW in front of strangers for studio AND an exploded axonometric that conveys a FEELING?!?! insanity, and i think i might plagiarize myself and just copy/paste (or CTRL C/CTRL V in editors' world) this into my blog... blurg mid-terms (PLURAL 'S'?!?!?!)
that's all thank you
(lifted directly from my comments on 'The Book I Keep Promising to Write')
mid-term week sucks! haven't these people ever heard of one-course-at-a-time where we just have mid-term day and final day? what's with the never-ending week PREPPING for mid-term, so I can spend another WEEK presenting mid-terms -- a paper, a REVIEW in front of strangers for studio AND an exploded axonometric that conveys a FEELING?!?! insanity, and i think i might plagiarize myself and just copy/paste (or CTRL C/CTRL V in editors' world) this into my blog... blurg mid-terms (PLURAL 'S'?!?!?!)
that's all thank you
(lifted directly from my comments on 'The Book I Keep Promising to Write')
Monday, March 05, 2007
i'm playing hooky today -- i usually don't but it's a mental health hooky day -- ie: i have way too much homework to do work today so i called in sick
however i justify it this way, if i'd gone into work i'd be up all night tonight doing homework and then still'd go in tomorrow and by wednesday or thursday i'd really be sick, so mental health day taken = not really sick later
well, it works for me anyway -- time to get the homework done.
i'm playing hooky today -- i usually don't but it's a mental health hooky day -- ie: i have way too much homework to do work today so i called in sick
however i justify it this way, if i'd gone into work i'd be up all night tonight doing homework and then still'd go in tomorrow and by wednesday or thursday i'd really be sick, so mental health day taken = not really sick later
well, it works for me anyway -- time to get the homework done.
kicked off the island
update to follow-up psa to the world in general
the boy has officially been vetoed and kicked off the island by fellow BACer who totally knows what she's talking about
psa to the world in general 3/ note to self
boys who can't make a decision and/or then stick with it = not good
life in general note no. 1
the boy has officially been vetoed and kicked off the island by fellow BACer who totally knows what she's talking about
psa to the world in general 3/ note to self
boys who can't make a decision and/or then stick with it = not good
life in general note no. 1
Saturday, March 03, 2007
follow-up psa to the world in general.
the boy-crazy phase is still over (right?) -- even though the boy has announced he can't stop thinking about me (after he already told me he wasn't interested!), even though i am in the getting-over-him phase -- it is still time to focus on work and classes (only?)
psa to the world in general 2
boys are evil
merci de votre attention
follow-up psa to the world in general.
the boy-crazy phase is still over (right?) -- even though the boy has announced he can't stop thinking about me (after he already told me he wasn't interested!), even though i am in the getting-over-him phase -- it is still time to focus on work and classes (only?)
psa to the world in general 2
boys are evil
merci de votre attention
Monday, February 26, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
side note, I just realised that now I'm even more busy, I actually bother to blog -- like I should be taking the time to blog right now -- but it's also that I actually have something I feel like I can share even if no one comments and probably no one visits my blog! though that amuses me too... it's like that pardox of a tree falling in the forest...
woo-hoo! classes WERE canceled for tonight! it's the first time in years apparently too! This is like my first year in undergrad when classes were canceled for the first time in 23 years then! Now even though I stayed up utnil 6 this morning and i'm still not done with all my homework, I can get it done in time for the make-up class and I can get homework for tomorrow night done too! I'm so excited! (Yes, I know it means I'm a geek that I am excited about having my homework done in time for class. :D ) hooray blizzard and ice storms!
iteration no. 1 for final studio model (this is the one the studio profs told me late on Sunday night by email 'wasn't quite there' -- i had told them in the email it wasn't quite done and i wanted some constructive feedback -- I'm doing my best to be nice to them, I promise!)
midway through iteration no.2 for final studio model -- coincidentally, this was approximately at 3 this morning...
final iteration (no.3, incorporating above figures) -- this should be it
though there's a possibility I'll add lines similar to the original final model, but I still have all three drawings to do before class (tonight) so I think this model is now done
maybe i'll cut out lines to take with to explore possibilities while at studio
Lesson learned from this activity... either 1) don't ask the studio profs for feedback as it might be either unconstructive, vague or tell me to simply do everything over when I have sixteen hours of work, a three hour class and nearly seven hours of combined commuting before I even make it to class -- I'm not sure where feedback given at 9pm on Sunday night is all that timely and useful
2) overnighters are not fun (this is a review of a previously learned lesson)
3) well i forget but i did want to mention how badly i'd love to have classes canceled because of the snow though i know it's not going to happen, even if every other school in the region cancels evening classes, we won't! and of course it'd snow heavily and wetily on studio quarter-review day
Monday, February 12, 2007
ode to fb 2:
to you who remained calm inspite of my panic attack (while I had a knife in my hand!), kudos. thanks for trying to calm me down, to make me laugh, and reminding me that life is like being at CC -- it really doesn't matter if you get the homework done
note to self: scrolling through the contacts list on your phone will not help you set the alarm clock feature.
architecture school note no. 2
to you who remained calm inspite of my panic attack (while I had a knife in my hand!), kudos. thanks for trying to calm me down, to make me laugh, and reminding me that life is like being at CC -- it really doesn't matter if you get the homework done
note to self: scrolling through the contacts list on your phone will not help you set the alarm clock feature.
architecture school note no. 2
Sunday, February 11, 2007
from the french library's bastille day street party!
I just realised I don't think I ever got photos up from that -- it was such an amazing experience! I was so excited that my first french library bastille day street party was with Amadou et Mariam headlining! The concert was incredible, despite the horrible humidity and heat of the day and night!
ps, some of the glue is still in my finger next to the lovely bitty blood blister.
pss, my camera does not like to give me manual depth of field control.
disclaimer, all typos for the next week or so are directly resultant of this accident!
Monday, January 08, 2007
just so you know, i've recently become addicted to t-shirts supporting my home state -- without the cheesy hog or corncob on it.
there's some great designs on the site for Smash. If you're from Iowa or know the state well, you will enjoy these shirts.
there's some great designs on the site for Smash. If you're from Iowa or know the state well, you will enjoy these shirts.
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