Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So, tonight, I'm sitting here going through MORE backlog paperwork. I've found it after I thought I had already filed everything... my room is a pit. And as I am going through all these papers, I come across some of the reports of my Cornell bills, in particular, the bills from my last year there. The space is entirely filled by additional Stafford Loans (uh-hmmm.. unsubsidized), Off-campus Residence/Dining designations, and Adjustments to my scholarship, tuition, etc. And I have to say, it made me smile. All that adjusting and extra work- so I could go abroad. And I don't regret it- it was the best experience of my undergraduate career. To be all cliché, it changed my life. I almost want to frame the damn thing, as a reminder of what taking risks and doing all the paperwork can mean. Seriously, if I hadn't ran all over campus to get every imaginable and necessary signature, pushed to get the financial aid, visit Mike in the Business Office about once a week, and generally demand the right to study abroad (as long as I was paying out of pocket for it), I wouldn't be able to tell you the crazy return trip from Barcelona story! So here's to sleeping on the floor of the Narbonne train station for two and a half hours at 1am- just to make it home to Toulouse in time to take a mid-term! And all because we got on the wrong train in the first place!

Maybe this is all just from too much dust...

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