Friday, April 29, 2005

Hanging out in the Louvre.

Le 27 avril 2005, mercredi; Paris, Louvre, Richlieu, 1st étage, 17:15

So I’ve just wandered through a portion of the Richlieu wing of the Louvre, and I have to say that I’m so happy I went to see the Jewish quartier, Josefov, while in Prague. A chance to see such a huge collection of Jewish artifacts and their richness was so nice. I feel I’ve finally seen some of these things, in comparison to all the Christian artifacts I usually see. In addition, I also visited, again in the Richlieu wing, the Islam arts department with its fabulous display of ceramics- oh I was in heaven then!- and also the Islamic antiquities. (Forgive me for still not knowing the difference between Islamic and Moslem- I’ll have to do some research.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great photos! i'm glad to finally read about prague. (it's probably been here and i'm just slow at getting to it.)
