Sarah asked me to post about the move, but there really isn't much yet to post.
After my usual bout with moving anxiety, I settled a bit more into my new home. The anxiety slowly subsided, so my internal dialogue wasn't set on the heart-stopping, nerve-wracking repetition of 'What was I thinking? Am I going to make it here?'
The day after my late evening move in, Kevin gave me a ride out to a possible work site for an informal meeting. Turns out it's quite a nice place, and I think I would enjoy working there, even with the commute. Though I think the commute will be a great excuse for reading time.
Friday night was quite a bit of fun. I went to a Chinese New Year celebration with Justin, and then went to the Kevin's show "In The Garage", which was hilarious. We went out to dinner with his parents afterwards, followed by a cast party of sorts.
Saturday was low-key again, though went with Kevin to the Courtside for karaoke with his friends. How I wish I'd had my camera! Even though the music was mostly rock, it brought back such happy memories of Country Karaoke Night at the Longbranch on Thursday nights! And I seriously felt like I was back in one of the small-town bars I ate burgers in all summer long- like a touch of Iowa out here! Afterwards we all ended up at home, waiting for the snow to start and watching Stewie Griffin.
It's mostly been the little details that make me realise that I've moved: the different languages I hear on the streets (I've heard French!), the new metro system to become acquainted with, the smells in the air at 5 o'clock (not fried chicken, which hung over Creston), and being on my own again.
Today has been even more low-key. Mostly experiencing my first nor'easter from the warm comfort of my room.